Sunday, October 31, 2010

MG Gundam 00QAN(T)

But why 00 Qan(T) not the Gundam 00 and 0 Raiser? Why Bandai, why?!
Anyway it a awesome box art they have made, still keep tune colour green and blue of the GN particle to the box art like previous of MG Exia..


Zoidiect Archaea said...

why? because they make OOQ using Exia's Frame and then will use OOQ's frame to make OO raiser

Bandai's being Bandai

kaymaroo said...

owh really?? i dont know about that.. But hopefully they(Bandai) dont forget about gundam 00 for MG treatment...

GPH said...

Hi, it's Zack here from gunplapricehunter and just want to let you know that we have open a new online gunpla pricing site.

Feel free to visit.
