Elooo guys nice 2 see u all again, tonite i am going to show off my new model kit in my collection gundam 1/100 MG EXIA IGNITION MODE... It a little bit late isnt for the reviews:-P
This model kit is most hottest selling item in the market & now already got in my hand;-) it an honour to has this gundam fans most wanted model kit in my collection..

Just got this model kit few week ago at a ebay wif prize about RM185.00 and delivery cos RM10.00, i think it really cheap coz me & my frenz(safwan) already made some survey at few gundam shop in north(utara) area & the prize is about RM200 above.. After crackin my mind, dreaming about this model kit night after night, finally i made up my mind buying at a ebay for the 1st time online shopping huhu so pathetic:-(

The box say premium price!, this is the proof they should not to increase the prize in our malaysian market from the original prize rite?? but latest i am check out at ebay the prize is already coming up, maybe the prize up bcoz stock now becoming less hmm... Pheww! very lucky to buy this kit earlier:p

Some general & technical data at the box, the box it a quite big though

ofcoz all ready know that the details it really great from the NG version

the exia before install the GN Drive

all just straight standing pose for this precious model kit hehe, dont want a risk the joint get loose..:p

all picture below after installing the GN Drive, the front side that written Celestial Being in the chest..

the back side of GN Drive, but GN Drive particles light in the anime suppose to be blue rite? or green? Hmm
the full back side

the new GN cord with hologram effect & transparent to show the leg joint mechanism, awesome..!
The Weapons

GN Sword
The Damage Mode or Repair Mode

the hand damage bandage a.k.a karung guni

the damage or broken sword

the damage head unit
From overall this model kit is awesome but i am made some mistake in GN Drive LED Light assembling process huhu, using a wrong size of screw driver now i make it the screw flower trip loose urgghhh! when thinking of it again.. The problem is getting worst when it time to change the LR41 LED battery someday, for now i hope battery will stand for a while before i find the solution:-( that it for tonite, tq for reviewing my blog hope u guys enjoy it.. plss give yr comment n i will try my to make this blog better n update sayonara bubye